Diamond Time!
We had the kids "earn" their diamonds by 1) mining them using little shovels and pails filled with stones I got at the dollar store. The diamond was at the bottom. I got a pack of diamonds that came with tissue paper grass for my table but I'm sure you could get them separate. 2) They had to go thru an obstacle course to the safe house at the end. My boys helped me create pitfalls made of chalk (yellow holes you could fall in, red lava with stepping stones to assist you, a tunnel to avoid it completely, and water with "floating" wood bridge. If you stepped into the chalk you had to start over. There was a secret code at the house that they had to come tell me to retrieve their diamond. And 3) they had to explode a creeper, which were green balloons blown up (no helium) with black paper squares and electrical tape to make the creeper face. They were hidden around the yard. This was a great activity to start (and outside) cause they arrived bouncing off the walls with excitement.
Pin the Tail on a Piggie
Pretty self explanatory. Made from pink construction paper. We used a minecraft Steve head (on backwards) as the blindfold.
Make a Minecraft Mask
I had tons of paper squares (1.5") cut out. Yellow, 3 different browns, 2 blues, white, black, 3 peachy/flesh colored.
Make a Potion

And of course we played minecraft, had cake and other yummies.